Written by Justin Locklear and directed by Danielle Georgiou, DGDG's first feature-length film looks at the effects of obsession and celebrity in a world catapulted into disarray by disease and political turmoil. In THE SAVAGE SECONDS, a young girl is sent home from boarding school during a great plague. Her coming of age is hijacked by her powerful but absent parents, malicious siblings, and the surreal confusion of sexuality.
Visit the partner website for THE SAVAGE SECONDS where you can interact with the story and the characters. The site features biographic material about the characters, personal writings, intimate details, and the opportunity to interact with the actual finished performance. Audience members are able to wander through the layers of the website, learning about the show, to deepen their curiosity and bond with the story. There are many surprises in store. The story is never really over...
The website can be accessed at https://www.thesavageseconds.com

To purchase streaming access, email dgdgdancegroup@gmail.com
Tickets are only $10, and all proceeds go to supporting DGDG company members who have lost work because of COVID-19.
Baby – Elaina Alspach
Father – Jovane Caamaño
Middle Child – Colby Calhoun
Step-Mother – Monet Lerner
Eldest Child – Nick Leos
with Danielle Georgiou as Mother
William Acker
Kelli Howard
Christopher Lew
Sarah Mendez
Omar Padilla
Alondra Puentes
Director/Choreographer: Danielle Georgiou
Screenplay: Justin Locklear
Editors: Justin Locklear, Danielle Georgiou
Director of Photography: Justin Locklear
Production Manager: Gabriela Leodiou
Sound Design: Justin Locklear
Art Direction: Lori Honeycutt
Assistant Choreographer: Colby Calhoun
Wardrobe: Danielle Georgiou
Continuity: Gabriela Leodiou
Production Design: Lori Honeycutt
Location Managers: Danielle Georgiou, Gabriela Leodiou
Musical Contributions: Black Taffy
Producers: Danielle Georgiou, Justin Locklear
Special Thanks
Undermain Theatre, The Cedars Union, The Boedecker, Jordan Roth/Ro2 Art, Eastfield College Theatre and Dance, Andrew Ryan Shephard, The Color Condition
Filmed on location in Dallas, TX.
Copyright © 2020 by the Danielle Georgiou Dance Group
All Rights Reserved
The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with or similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is intended or should be inferred.